Aníbal Freytes started coding on computers with a breadbox C64 his father bought from a coworker in the eighties. In order to learn how to program the Commodore computer, he first had to teach himself English.

He worked with backends and interfaces for decades in the health insurance field; where he excelled at making fast queries that could handle gigabytes of data. He now writes contemporary folkloric fiction at his blog, Somnus, while planning and programming his next solo-developed indie game.

He lives in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with his girlfriend and her dog. He is continually building his dream house in Minecraft, letting his daughter log in from Massachussets so they can destroy their virtual room and remake it in their image.

Aníbal Freytes suffers from Impostor Syndrome and would never speak highly of himself in the third (or first) person. However, while researching one page personal websites, like this one, he saw too many people sing their own praises in such a manner, and could not resist amusing himself by making a parody these websites.

Aníbal Freytes comenzó a programar en una breadbox C64 que su padre le compró a un compañero de trabajo en los ochentas. Para poder aprender a programar la computadora primero tuvo que aprender suficiente inglés como para entender los libros de programación.

Trabajó por decadas en seguros de salud, y otros, manejando integraciones y bases de datos. Sus tarea favorita era optimizar SQL para manejar gigabytes de datos eficientemente. Recientemente se dedica a escribir ficción contemporera y folklórica en su blog, Somnus, mientras planea y programa su próximo videojuego indie.

Vive en San Juan, Puerto Rico, con su novia y el perro de ésta. En su tiempo libre construye la casa de sus sueños en Minecraft, para que luego su hija se conecte y redecore por completo su cuarto virtual.

Aníbal Freytes sufre de Impostor Syndrome y nunca hablaría tan positivamente de si mismo en tercera (o primera) persona. Sin embargo, mientras investigaba sitios personales de una sola página, como éste, vió demasiadas personas alabarse a si mismos en tercera persona. No pudo resistir parodiarlos.